The Team

Aaron Schechter
Aaron Schechter is the Chairman, CEO and one of the founders of Schechter + Chou, Inc.
Mr. Schechter was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. He graduated with honors from the University of California, Berkeley, and obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. He also holds a Master Degree in Business Administration (MBA) and a Master Degree in Real Estate Development (MRED) from the University of Southern California. He also holds a real estate broker license in California.
He brings 20 years of experience in hands-on business operations in different industries, including real estate, finance, investment, international trade, direct marketing, distribution and Internet.
Prior to founding Schecheter + Chou, Inc., Mr. Schechter has been active in real estate as a real estate broker, investor and mortgage broker. He has been a licensed real estate broker in California since 1985. Mr. Schechter has worked for major US real estate companies as a real estate broker assisting clients in their real estate needs. He also started his own company, RealVest, which arranged home mortgages for his clients with a conventional lender. Mr. Schechter has also acted as a mortgage broker in arranging hard money loans secured by real estate. In the mid-1990’s, Schechter used investor capital, to acquire both distressed residential and commercial real estate, and re-habilitated and sold such properties successfully for profit.
In the mid-late 1990’s, Schechter served as the executive vice-president of COMAR Acquisitions, Inc., a leading fulfillment company in the U.S., he was responsible for strategic planning, Internet services, marketing, business development and performance and crisis management. The company provided services for the infomercial, direct response and entertainment industries, including companies such as Walt Disney Records, King World Direct, Burger King and Playboy Enterprises. Mr. Schechter was also the creator and the president of COMAR Interactive, the internet division of the fulfillment company, providing customers with integrated e-commerce solutions, including online order, credit card processing, fulfillment, database management, online customer service, web hosting and web design.
Mr. Schechter was a Board Member of the U.C. Berkeley - Haas Alumni Network - Los Angeles Chapter. He is also an active USC alumni, and has organized several joint events co-hosted by the UC Berkeley/Haas Alumni Network, the USC Marshall School Alumni Association, and the USC Lusk Center for Real Estate. In 2011, Schechter was co-organizer of the Economic and Real Estate Forum. In 2009, he co-organized the event “Real Estate: Where from here? Fast Recovery or Lingering Doldrums…” In 2008, Schechter served on the planning committee for the USC led Pacific Rim Entrepreneur Summit in Shanghai and was moderator of the international real estate panel. He has been a guest lecturer on the subject of cross-border business between the U.S. and China at USC's School of Policy, Planning and Development for their graduate level course in International Real Estate Development, and at the UCLA Andersen School of Management. He is an instructor at the California Centers for International Trade Development (CITD) in Hawthorne, California, on doing business with China. He has been a speaker at business seminars in several cities in China. He was guest lecturer at a UCLA Extension course in database marketing.
Mr. Schechter has been interviewed by China Business News in Shanghai. He has also been interviewed for two Chinese magazines, Expression magazine published by Xin Hua Airlines, and Shang Xue Yuan magazine, both in Beijing. He has also been interviewed on CCTV-9 television news show "Biz China" during their "People in the Biz" segment.

Yu-feng (Frances) Chou, Esq.
Ms. Chou is the president and one of the founders of Schechter + Chou, Inc.
Ms. Chou obtained her Bachelor of Laws degree from National Taiwan University in Taipei, Taiwan. In addition, Ms. Chou also holds a Master of Comparative Law from George Washington University in Washington, D.C., and completed her Juris Doctor from University of California, Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco, California, in 1990. Ms. Chou was admitted to California State Bar in 1990. She also holds a real estate broker license in California. Born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan, Ms. Chou is fluent in both English and Chinese (Mandarin).
Ms. Chou has 19 years of experience as a practicing attorney in Los Angeles, California. She was an associate, and then a partner, of various major U.S. law firms and also served as general counsel for two U.S. companies in the Los Angeles area.
She has represented numberous international companies doing business in diverse indusries in the U.S., China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. She has experience in complex business, corporate and transactional matters and has successfully incorporated foreign entities and supported legal due diligence to enable them to conduct business in the U.S. and assisted U.S. companies to form entities and to conduct legal due diligence in China. She has skills as both a litigator and a transactional lawyer. In addition, she has demonstrated skills involving the procurement and documentation of equity and debt financing and unique expertise in evaluating insurance and risk management issues.
IMs. Chou is also a consultant and instructor on international business and legal subjects for the California Centers for International Trade Development (CITD), and has been a speaker at various venues, including at USC's School of Policy, Planning and Development, the UCLA Andersen School of Management, American Bar Association, and the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding international business and legal issues.
Recently, Ms. Chou was profiled and interviewed by Chinese Daily News, aka Chinese World Journal, which is the leading Chinese newspaper with the largest circulation in the Chinese community in the U.S. In addition, Ms. Chou has been often been interviewed by Shing Tao Newspaper in the U.S. She has also been interviewed for two Chinese magazines, Expression magazine published by Xin Hua Airlines, and Shang Xue Yuan magazine, both in Beijing.